Hi there! I have decided to start documenting some of the many random projects I undertake in my life and posting them on here as how-to type articles. I absolutely hate paying someone else to do a job that I think I can do myself, even if the job could be above and beyond my skill set. I love taking on new projects and learning how to do things along the way, as it provides me with a sense of accomplishment as well as the ability to say "yeah, I can do that, I'm a badass." I am going to be posting this series of how-to articles that will hopefully help some of you out and make your lives a little bit easier if you undertake a similar project. These projects are going to be random, as I will start documenting my own projects as I undertake them. They could be home improvement projects, automotive repair projects, electronics related projects, it's hard to say what the scope will be because I am a cheap bastard and insist on doing everything on my own!
Anyway, happy reading and hopefully I will be able to help you with something in the future.
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